While riding a bat, use the Sack o' Frogs to place 12 attuned frogs on the markers in the Echo Isles.
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Wit de frogs ready to go, I be needin' ya to help me send 'em out to the isles.
On de eastern side of Sen'jin Village, ya can find Handler Marnlek. He be handlin' all the bats for Vol'jin's scouts and he can loan ya a bat to get ya out to de isles.
Take dis sack' o frogs with ya. I been askin' de spirits for guidance. Dey've sent smoke to show ya where I need de eyes most. While ridin' de bat, reach into de sack and toss de frogs toward de white smoke.
Also, you get:
7 40
I'm already beginnin' to see what de frogs are seein'. Ya done it perfectly, <name>. Now Vol'jin and I will see what Zalazane be plannin'.
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