Chief Engineer Hinderweir wants you to gather Lurker Venom, a Mo'grosh Crystal, and a Crocolisk Tear.
The entirety of this quest happens in Loch Modan.
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Begin collecting the disarming materials immediately, <name>. Lurker Venom can be found on the indigenous spiders in Loch Modan. Crocolisk tears are found here in the Loch as well. But a Mo'Grosh crystal will be very difficult to procure. The ogres to the northeast mine them but the crystals are a very rare commodity.
We need to be prepared to defuse a Dark Iron attack! Return to me once you've collected the needed items and I will prepare the mixture.
Do you have the needed items? Time is of the essence!!
Just in time, <name>!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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