Master of the Wild Leather - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Master of the Wild Leather


7.Master of the Wild Leather
Give Jangdor's Letter to Una, the master leatherworker of Thunder Bluff.
Jangdor's Letter
Provided Item:
Jangdor's Letter


<name>, you have learned all I am able to teach you. There is, however, one remaining pattern for Wild Leather armor. I will not require you to toil needlessly for this; you've earned it outright, and then some. This pattern, however, is one that I cannot freely share with you.

My teacher, the one who brought me into the craft, is the one who must reward you. Take this note to Una; she teaches leatherworking in Thunder Bluff. Show her the letter, and let her acknowledge you as an equal, as I do.


You will receive:
Pattern: Wild Leather Cloak


Greetings, <race>... from your countenance I can tell you are a leatherworker as am I. Have you come to draw from my skills, or perhaps you have other business with me?


Ah yes, Jangdor sent you. I am pleased to see that one of my finest students now has a student of his own.

His dedication and his talents with leather are impressive. For him to compliment you so in this letter, it is a sign of respect I acknowledge.

I am aware that he has taught you the art of Wild Leather. Allow me to finish your training with this pattern. Make good use of it; few in the world know the secrets of Wild Leather cloaks.

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