Speak with Ozzie Togglevolt at Kharanos in Dun Morogh.
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You don't think I was always bald, do you? No sir! It was the radiation leak in Gnomeregan that caused this tragic hair loss. Before that day, I had the only gnomefro in all of Azeroth.
<Gnoarn shakes his fist in the air.>
Damn those damned dirty troggs - damn them all!!
Perhaps it's not too late, <name>. We may still be able to save it - the city I mean! Speak to Ozzie Togglevolt in Kharanos. He and his partner Razzle are working on a solution.
I thought the loss of that outstanding head of hair would have been the end of him for sure, but he survived!
I was standing right next to him when he was hit by the radiation bolt. Those delightful brown locks of hair hit the floor in clumps! Clusters! The horror of it all was only compounded when Gnoarn completely freaked out! Oh yes, freaked out I say! Gnoarn touched his bald head in disbelief, the look in his eyes screamed revenge, <name>! Then he turned his anger towards the troggs!
<Ozzie cringes.>
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