Doling Justice - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Doling Justice


Take Jer'kai's Signet Ring to High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind in Darnassus.
Jer'kai's Signet Ring
Provided Item:
Jer'kai's Signet Ring


Part of this quest happens in FeralasDarnassus.
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Out here in the wilderness, Kindal and I have meager means to reward your help, but we don't want you to feel unappreciated. Take my signet ring. If you ever find yourself in the boughs of Teldrassil, go to the Temple of the Moon in the heart of Darnassus. There you will find my High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind. The ring will let her know that we are well and give credit to your story.

We both thank you, <name>.


You can choose one of these awards:
Firwillow Wristbands
Nightscale Girdle


Hello, child. It pleases us to have more powerful adventurers here in the temple. If you have the time, will you share a tale or two with the younger adventurers? I know many of them would benefit from your wisdom.

I'm sorry, look how rude of me. You've come to the Temple seeking our aid, and I impose on you. Please, forgive me. Tell me what the servants of the Light can do for you.


That's an amazing story, <name>. It pleases us that you've not only helped dragonkind, but also one of our own priestess. Jer'kai was right to send you to me. I will make sure she has her ring returned to her--I have scouts heading the direction of Feralas soon. This will be one more thing for them to investigate while on their mission.

Thank you again, and please, make yourself at home while you're here.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 750 experience (45 at max. level)

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