Simple Scroll - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Simple Scroll


Read the Simple Scroll and speak to Dannal Stern in Deathknell.
Simple Scroll
Provided Item:
Simple Scroll


The entirety of this quest happens in Tirisfal Glades.
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Ah, while you were off dealing with the mindless Scourge, this scroll arrived for you. I would think it's some matter of importance as it seems it bears the seal of the warrior trainer Dannal. I would take some time to read it before heading out again.


Ah, so you've arrived. Good. I overheard that a few others were able to escape "death" and were heading into town. Perhaps that resilence will pay off in the future also.

You may thank Sylvanas for your freedom... freedom of mind and body. Though you still remain tortured by the plague and its effects, you are now free to come and go as you see fit.


I will be here to train you as you grow in experience... find me as often as you like. I charge a minimal fee, but you'll find everything I can teach you to be worthwhile.

Go now and test your skill. Many more things will become known to you as you gain experience, some of which I am unable to discuss with you here. Just know that Sylvanas will need warriors with your type of strength in the future. You will be the backbone of our salvation. Do not forget it.

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