Read the Encrypted Scroll and speak to David Trias in Deathknell.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Tirisfal Glades.
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Ah, while you were off dealing with the mindless Scourge, this scroll arrived for you. I would think it's some matter of importance as it seems it bears the seal of the rogue trainer David Trias. I would take some time to read it before heading out again.
So you've made it? Good, we'll have need of more rogues as time goes on. The Shadowstalkers will probably wind up finding you when they think the time's right, so don't go and slip up or do anything you might regret. They need talented agents... not pickpockets and fools.
I spend most of my time here in the inn keeping an eye out for new faces and just keeping tabs on up-and-coming prospects. Keep your nose clean and I'll do what I can to teach you a few things. Just come back to me whenever you want, and we'll see if you're ready for a new skill or two.
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