Aquatic Form - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Aquatic Form


4.Aquatic Form
Return to Thunder Bluff and show Turak Runetotem the Pendant of the Sea Lion.
Pendant of the Sea Lion
Provided Item:
Pendant of the Sea Lion


Part of this quest happens in MoongladeThunder Bluff.
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You have completed the necessary lessons all young druids are taught before they can adopt an aquatic aspect. Go now back to your trainer, Turak Runetotem, in Thunder Bluff. Show him your pendant and prove to him you are ready to learn what he has to teach you. He will complete your training, allowing you to become one with the water.

Goodbye, young druid. We shall speak again.


You will receive:
Aquarius Belt
The following spell will be cast on you:
Aquatic Form


Your return to Thunder Bluff is not without heralding, though I will need proof of your lessons learned in Moonglade before I will teach you your aquatic form.

Do you have the Pendant of the Sea Lion?


Very impressive, <name>. Your ancestors would be pleased with your progress! You're ready to learn your aquatic form, and it is my pleasure to teach it to you.

Also, in recognition of your achievement during the two trials, I give you this item. I hope you'll find it to be a welcome addition to your gear as a protector of nature and a keeper of the balance.

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