Simple Sigil - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Simple Sigil


Read the Simple Sigil and speak to Alyissia in Shadowglen.
Simple Sigil
Provided Item:
Simple Sigil


The entirety of this quest happens in Teldrassil.
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This sigil was given to me by a messenger from our warrior trainer, Alyissia. It seems Alyissia would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to her afterwards.


You made it. I'm so glad.

Much has happened over the last few years, <name>: the creation of Teldrassil, the corruption of many of the forest creatures here and abroad, discovery of lands we thought lost to us like Feralas... so much, in so little time. But those are just some of the reasons we are here, the most important being to protect our kind from further evil.


Soon you will see others from different races in the boughs of our home--do not let it cause any prejudice within you. They are welcome. They will aid us when they can. Not all of them will be altruistic, but they should be granted some amount of trust.

But none of this matters now. Now we must focus on you, and how you can aid our people. I am here for that very purpose. I will train you in the ways of a <class> as you become stronger. Return to me whenever you wish and I will do what I can to aid you.

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