Etched Sigil - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Etched Sigil


Read the Etched Sigil and speak to Ayanna Everstride at the top of Aldrassil in Shadowglen.
Etched Sigil
Provided Item:
Etched Sigil


The entirety of this quest happens in Teldrassil.
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This sigil was given to me by a messenger from our hunter trainer, Ayanna. It seems Ayanna would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to her afterwards.


You've arrived, and none too soon, <name>. Welcome to Shadowglen.

I trust my sigil found you in good spirits and health?

As I said previously, I am here to train you as a <class>; to tame beasts to aid you in battle; to use a bow with unerring accuracy; to respect the lands which we call home and also the lands beyond.


As you experience what Shadowglen has to teach you, come see me--I will be able to help you understand more about your role as a <class> and what you are capable of.

These are dangerous times, <name>, do not take for granted the skill of your pets--there are things in this world more dangerous than you can imagine. Go with Elune and return to me again.

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