Zardeth the Black Claw wants you to bring him a Tear of Tilloa from Darkshire and a Musquash Root from the Wetlands.
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Lord Wishock is causing quite a stir amongst the House of Nobles. He was made aware of our little "establishment" down here and is lobbying for a full investigation. I have a plan to keep Wishock "preoccupied," but I'll need your help.
There is a flower growing in the Garden of Stalvan on the outskirts of Darkshire. This small white flower is known as the Tear of Tilloa. I will also need a Musquash Root, found only at the very base of the falls far beneath the Stonewrought Dam in the Wetlands.
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Wishock will soon garner enough support to cause us much grief. Were you able to obtain the Tear of Tilloa or Musquash Root yet?
Most excellent! These are fine samples indeed!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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