In Nightmares - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
In Nightmares


Bring the Nightmare Shard to Mathrengyl Bearwalker in Darnassus.
Nightmare Shard
Provided Item:
Nightmare Shard


Part of this quest happens in MulgoreDarnassus.
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This shard holds great secrets; it is the pure essence of the Emerald Dream. However, what I see in this shard is not a dream; one would call this sort of a vision a nightmare.

I do not wish to alarm you, <name>, but I think it is best if you deliver this shard into the hands of a wise druid as soon as you can...

Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Circle is who you need to find. Head to Darnassus. I cannot say more.


You can choose one of these awards:
Talbar Mantle
Quagmire Galoshes


May I help you with something?


Falla sent you to me? Well now, let's see that shard that you say she was so hesitant to talk about...

<Mathrengyl peers into the shard>

Oh... I didn't... Well.

<name>, thank you for delivering this to me. It isn't wise to speak of things such as this, though, I advise you. These are matters that the Cenarion druids alone must attend to.

Let's just say that things in the Emerald Dream are not as we thought...

Perhaps in the future, our paths may cross again.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 200 experience (12 at max. level)

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