Novice Elreth requires 6 Scavenger Paws and 6 Duskbat Wings.
The entirety of this quest happens in Tirisfal Glades.
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My duties include tending to our wounded warriors, tailoring armor and clothes, and assisting Shadow Priest Sarvis with whatever else he might need.
From the look of it, you'll be enlisted in his service also... hunting the Mindless Ones, if I know his mind. Well, if you'd like to stay in one piece--and I've no doubt you do--perhaps I can help. I'm running out of paws and wings, and if you bring me some, I'll find some armor for you. You'll find a good number of wolves and bats to the south.
You can choose one of these awards:
Do try your best to keep yourself unharmed until I get you some armor.
Thank you, <name>. This armor should help you out.
Hopefully, it should do you more good than the last one to wear it...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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