Quell The Uprising - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Quell The Uprising


Warden Thelwater of Stormwind wants you to kill 10 Defias Prisoners, 8 Defias Convicts, and 8 Defias Insurgents in The Stockade.
Defias Prisoner slain (10)
Defias Convict slain (8)
Defias Insurgent slain (8)


The uprising must be quelled! I need your assistance. If word gets out that the prison is overrun I will lose my job! This is a case of foul play if I've ever seen one. But what's important now is forcing these prisoners into submission for the safety of Stormwind.

The punishment for insurgency is death. Kill some of these deviants! That ought to get things under control.


Also, you get: 60


The Stockade is still overrun! These Defias Rats must be shown that their actions will not be tolerated. Now get back down there and show some force!


Your efforts in The Stockade were valiant, <name>. It's obvious this problem is bigger than the both of us. But you have performed well and for that I am thankful.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 320 experience (19 20 at max. level)

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