Rattling the Rattlecages - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Rattling the Rattlecages


Kill 8 Rattlecage Skeletons, and then return to Shadow Priest Sarvis in Deathknell when you are done.
Rattlecage Skeleton slain (8)


The entirety of this quest happens in Tirisfal Glades.
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You've shown your potential to the Forsaken under normal circumstances <name> - now let's see you under pressure.

The Rattlecage skeletons, more mindless minions of the Lich King, are a tougher foe than the zombies you have faced thus far. Again, thin their numbers and prove yourself to the Forsaken. Do not tarry - when you are done, speak to me again.


You can choose one of these awards:
Flax Boots
Scavenger Tunic
Roamer's Leggings


Those who dally in this task might as well end up wandering about aimlessly like our fallen brothers and sisters in the village. Let's hope you will fare better than them, yes?


I am finished with you, <name> - you have shown yourself to be worthy of the freedom that you have been given. Many will stand against you for what you have become, but know that no matter what they may try to do against us, we are free and will not be shackled again.

Take these and be on your way. You have much to accomplish, <class>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 300 experience (1 80 at max. level)

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