Find Lord Incendius in Blackrock Depths and destroy him!
Are you sure Pyron said 'Incendius' when he died?
<Jalinda swallows hard.>
Lord Incendius is purported to be a minion of Ragnaros! Oh dear, oh dear... whatever will we do?
Do you think you can handle another mission? I don't have anybody else to send, <name>!
We will never get a team in if Incendius continues to raise Pyron from the ashes.
You'll have to find and destroy Lord Incendius!
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
Is the fiend dead??
Oh dear! Are you sure Incendius said 'Ragnaros?'
<Jalinda hands you something and pats you on the wrist as she fades deep into thought.>
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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