Conservator Ilthalaine needs you to kill 5 Mangy Nightsabers and 5 Thistle Boars.
The entirety of this quest happens in Teldrassil.
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Thinning the younger population of creatures here in Shadowglen was a good start, <name>, but there is still work to be done.
The resources of the forest will be depleted too quickly if the problem is not addressed. Killing nature's beasts is a necessary evil for the good of all who share the land. Venture into the forest and slay mangy nightsabers and thistle boars in the name of balance.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
Your task is not yet complete, <name>. Return to me once 5 mangy nightsabers and 5 thistle boars have been killed.
You have proven your dedication to nature well, <name>. A young <class> like yourself has a promising future.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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