Bring the Tomes of Alterac to Milton Sheaf in Stormwind.
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I need to spend some time studying the Arm of Gri'lek book you brought me, though I'm sure Milton is eager to get the other recovered books into Stormwind's collection.
Here are the books you gathered from the Ruins of Alterac, packed and catalogued. Take them back to Milton Sheaf in Stormwind and I'm sure he'll be grateful.
Also, you get:
<name>, you've returned! How did your foray into Alterac go? Did you bring anything back with you?
My oh my! Look at these! I can't believe they survived the ruination of Alterac. And all those ogres too!
Thank you, <name>. Thank you so much! You have helped preserve human knowledge, and you add to the grandeur of the Royal Library of Stormwind.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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