Travel to Theramore to see about getting Lady Jaina Proudmoore's autograph for your ward.
They say that Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore is one of the greatest heroes the Alliance has ever had. When I grow up, I wanna be a hero of the Alliance too!
Do you know Jaina, <name>? Could you do me a favor, please? Could you get her autograph for me? I dunno how to ask her, and she'd probably be too busy for someone like me... but you! You're an adventurer just like she is! I bet she'd give you her autograph easy!
Someday, I wanna be a hero just like Jaina... well, a boy hero that is.
WOW! You got Lady Jaina's autograph for me! Thank you very much! And wow... she wrote a personal message on here - to me! I knew she'd be totally cool, and maybe someday I'll thank her myself... when I become a hero of the Alliance!
You're the best, <name>. Thank you for being so nice to me.
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