Kill Baron Vardus and deliver his head to High Executor Darthalia in Tarren Mill.
The entirety of this quest happens in Alterac Mountains.
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By order of High Executor Darthalia, the human known as Baron Vardus is wanted for crimes against the Forsaken. Vardus is known to be a high-ranking member of the organization known as the Syndicate.
He was last spotted in the Uplands in the Alterac Mountains, north of Tarren Mill.
He is wanted dead. Bring evidence of his demise to High Executor Darthalia to claim the reward.
You will receive:
Ah, <name>. Perhaps you've come to collect the bounty on the head of Baron Vardus?
Productive work you do, <name>. With Baron Vardus dead, the number of Syndicate leaders grows smaller. Their resistance and irritation will be short-lived.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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