Bring 25 Bloody Bone Necklaces to Kin'weelay at the Grom'gol Base Camp.
The entirety of this quest happens in Stranglethorn Vale.
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I was sent to Grom'gol to aid Nimboya on his quest, but... I too have reasons for being here.
The Bloodscalp tribe is enemy to our tribe. Collecting trophies of our enemies gives us power over them. You may aid our tribe by hunting our enemies.
They dwell to the north. Slay Bloodscalp trolls and take from them their bloody bone necklaces. Collect many, and your reward will be great.
You will receive:
The Bloodscalps will one day be crushed by the Darkspears! Do you have the necklaces of our doomed foe?
Ah, very good. I will boil these, and leech them, and the spirits of their owners will weaken as I render their necklaces to paste!
Here, <name>. This will repay my debt to you.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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