Deliver the Everlook Report to Argent Officer Garush at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.
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I'm looking for a responsible individual to aid me in a small but nonetheless important matter. I'm here as a representative of the Argent Dawn's interests to the local governance of Everlook. I need to get a progress report to Argent Officer Garush at the Bulwark; it's a ways from here, located along the western fringe of the Western Plaguelands, east of Tirisfal Glades.
If I may be so bold - this would be a perfect means to introduce yourself to my superior and perhaps earn some work from him!
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Greetings, <class>. On behalf of the Argent Dawn, I offer you safety and shelter while you are here at Bulwark. I might also offer you the chance to fight for a cause that's worth fighting for!
Resourceful for a human, Gregor is. He's been dealing with the Steamwheedle Cartel for some time now, and has become an expert on the "art" of goblin negotiations. Though it's true that the goblins' primary loyalties lie with those who have the largest coin purses, they also know and respect the value of diplomacy. If anything, it provides them with repeat customers...
At any rate, the Argent Dawn acknowledges you for your effort. Please have this, with our thanks.
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