Speak to Jocaste in the Cenarion Enclave, in Darnassus.
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You now have the power to tame a pet, but you must also gain the skills to train it.
Travel to Darnassus. There you must speak to one of our most revered hunters, Jocaste. She will give you the ability to train your new pet, so make haste.
While Jocaste may seem stern, she is always pleased to see another hunter rising through the ranks. Treat her with respect and she will return in kind. Good luck, <name>.
You will learn:
A fledgling <class>. I see. Yes. I can bestow you with the skills you need to train and guide your pet. Not only will you be able to teach your pet new abilities, you will now be able to feed your pet, as well as revive it, should it fall in battle.
Remember, <name>, always respect the balance and live in awe of nature around you. Now, go forth. We shall speak again, at a later date.
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