Curing the Sick - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Curing the Sick


4.Curing the Sick
Use the Curative Animal Salve on 10 Sickly Gazelles that are located throughout the northern part of the Barrens; doing so should cure them. Sickly Gazelles have been reported north of the east-west road that runs through the Crossroads.
Sickly Gazelle cured (10)
Provided Item:
Curative Animal Salve


I was able to make enough salve for ten doses of curing, <name>. While I work with local authorities to try and make some more salve, I'd like for you to help us get a head start. All around the northern Barrens are sickly gazelles; use the salve on them and cure their malaise.

Dendrite Starblaze in Moonglade will want to talk to you when you're done, I'm sure. Please extend our thanks to the Cenarion Circle there... and let me say thanks to you directly for the help you've given!


You will receive:
Veildust Medicine Bag


Have you completed what was asked of you by Tonga Runetotem at the Crossroads? Your work is not complete unless it is.


You have done well in tending to the sickly gazelles of the Barrens; they are unwitting victims of a greater taint and corruption that is spreading all throughout the land. You <race> are most eager to understand the ways of Cenarius; you, like your elders in Thunder Bluff, are proving that the need for balance transcends artificial racial barriers.

<name>, you've proven your worth as an friend of nature and the Circle - take this as a symbol of such.

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