Bring 10 Bundles of Akiris Reed to Privateer Bloads in Booty Bay.
The entirety of this quest happens in Stranglethorn Vale.
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You looking fer work, <name>? I might have some if you're up for a little challenge.
I got a friend named Groy who makes a killing selling what the naga call akiris reed: it's some kind of valuable ocean reed. Not too sure what it's for, but he pays well for bundles of the stuff.
Ya bring me ten stalks of the stuff, and we'll have business to do. The naga were last seen along the beach to the north of here.
You will receive:
Also, you get:
If ya got no business with me, then move along, <name>.
Well done, <name>. 10 stalks of akiris reed wasn't too much a challenge after all, huh? No offense to the naga, but hey, everybody's gotta make a living.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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