Kill Besseleth and bring Besseleth's Fang to Maggran at Sun Rock Retreat.
The entirety of this quest happens in Stonetalon Mountains.
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Warning: Proceed into Sishir Canyon west of here at your own risk.
Besseleth and her eight-legged children of the forest have claimed this canyon as their webbed lair.
Maggran Earthbinder in Sun Rock Retreat has placed a bounty on Besseleth. Slay her and bring proof of your killing to Maggran; there you will receive your reward for disposing this eight-legged menace.
You can choose one of these awards:
Besseleth is a ruthless predator... I fear for those that travel Webwinder Path at night. It's then that she and her children prey upon innocent travelers. I myself fell prey to her two-foot fang of death, but luckily I was able to fend her off and get to safety. I would give anything to see that monster destroyed.
Good hunting, <name>! Besseleth is an old predator in these parts... I will miss her not. Take this reward as a token for being the forest champion.
<Maggran rubs the wound caused by Besseleth.>
Perhaps now many more will travel to Sun Rock Retreat without fearing what lurks in the dark.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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