Brotherly Love - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Brotherly Love


Travel into Stormpike territory and slay Commander Karl Philips. Return to Commander Louis Philips when the task is complete.
Commander Karl Philips slain


Tragic... My brother faces me on the field of battle: A commander for the Stormpike.

Of the four Stormpike Commanders, he is undoubtedly the most dangerous. Perhaps if he is slain, the Banshee Queen could turn him as she did me - show him the error of his ways...

Deep within enemy territory you will find my brother. Slay him and return to me. I trust that you are capable of completing this mission, soldier.

And soldier, do not go alone.


How it must pain him to remain as one of the living while his beloved brother has ascended to perfection.


Your heroics will not go unnoticed, <name>.

I must waste no time if he is to be saved. Sylvanas must be contacted!

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