Rites of the Earthmother - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Rites of the Earthmother


5.Rites of the Earthmother
Take the Totem of Hawkwind to Baine Bloodhoof in Bloodhoof Village. Follow the road out of Camp Narache.
Totem of Hawkwind
Provided Item:
Totem of Hawkwind


The entirety of this quest happens in Mulgore.
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For you to continue with the Rites of the Earthmother you must pass two more tests. It is time for you to broaden your experience, <name>.

Travel to Bloodhoof Village and seek out the Chief, Baine Bloodhoof, son of Cairne. There you may continue your journey and earn the acceptance of the elders of Thunder Bluff.

Take this totem to Baine. He will recognize my carvings and help you on your path.

Follow the road out of Camp Narache and travel with haste. Do not stray or you will lose your way.


What brings you to my village, <class>?


Word from my good friend, Chief Hawkwind! Ah, I can see by his carvings you are of a special breed.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 350 experience (2 10 at max. level)

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