Bring 1 Arcanite Bar to Gorzeeki in the Burning Steppes.
The entirety of this quest happens in Burning Steppes.
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Now that the Bell, Wheel and Candle are made, I should make a black lodestone. During your ritual, you'll need that lodestone to maintain the other ritual objects if they should fail.
To make the lodestone, I require arcanite. Do you have any? If not, then... you'll have to get the arcanite from an alchemist.
Return to me when you have the arcanite, and then I'll make the black lodestone.
Do you have the arcanite, <name>? Once I have it I can make you the black lodestone.
You got it! Nicely done! Now I can create the lodestone. When you're finally ready for your ritual to create the Circle of Greater Summoning, you'll want a lodestone to make sure the ritual doesn't fizzle out!
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