Return the Exorcism Censer to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in the Cathedral District of Stormwind.
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With my blessings, take the censer. I myself have used it in several exorcisms, and it should serve you well for the arduous tasks that lie ahead.
Return now to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind, <name>. Your quest continues with him.
Welcome back, <name>. Have you acquired the exorcism censer?
Yes, this will do. You will be called upon more than once during this process to make acts of sacrifice; I am glad to see that you are willing to do just that. Sacrifice is a key component in what it takes to uphold the duties of being a Paladin... but I don't have to lecture you on that.
Now <name>, you will need to show due judgment in your actions. To that end, this censer will act as your vessel to dispense such judgment on tortured spirits of lands lost to us.
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