WANTED: Overseer Maltorius - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
WANTED: Overseer Maltorius


Deep within the Slag Pit of the Cauldron, in the Searing Gorge, you will find the traitorous Dark Iron dwarf named Overseer Maltorius.

Slay Overseer Maltorius and take his head. Return the head to Lookout Captain Lolo Longstriker in the Searing Gorge for your reward.
Head of Overseer Maltorius


The entirety of this quest happens in Searing Gorge.
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By order o' 'is eminence, Overseer Oilfist, the rogue Thorium Brotherhood agent an' newly hired commander o' the Dark Iron Slag Pit crew o' the Cauldron, Overseer Maltorius, is to be killed an' 'is head brung back as proof o' the deed.

See Lookout Captan Lolo Longstriker fer the reward on this bounty.


You can choose one of these awards:
Seared Mail Vest
Charred Leather Tunic


Can't ya shee I'm bushy? What *hic* ish it ya be wantin? *hic*


I never thunk I'd be lookin' at thish ugly mug again!

He acshually looksh better without the resht o' him attached.

Here's yer reward *hic*, <race>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 675 experience (40 50 at max. level)

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