Burning Blade Medallion - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Burning Blade Medallion


2.Burning Blade Medallion
Require One of
Bring the Burning Blade Medallion to Zureetha Fargaze, outside The Den.
Burning Blade Medallion


The entirety of this quest happens in Durotar.
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Through my divinations, I see that an item of power hides deep within the Burning Blade Coven, guarded by beasts and black magic.

It is called the Burning Blade Medallion, and your next task is to find it and remove it from the coven.

But be wary, for the medallion may be possessed by an agent of the Burning Blade, and if so then the agent's power would be greater than the familiars you have already encountered.

Go, <name>. You will find the coven in a cave, to the north and west.


You can choose one of these awards:
Dust-covered Leggings
Jagged Chain Vest
Ripped Pants
You will receive:
Minor Healing Potion


Is your task complete, <name>? Do you have the Burning Blade Medallion?


You retrieved it! Well done!

Your efforts within the Burning Blade Coven are key in rooting out this cult in the Valley of Trials. But I fear they have further aims in our land.

We have not seen the end of them.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 650 experience (3 90 at max. level)

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