String 5 Channeler's Heads, then return the Collection of Troll Heads to Exzhal on Yojamba Isle.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Stranglethorn Vale.
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It is true. Hakkar now dwells in Zul'Gurub, bathing in the power of our gods. Enthralled high priests now channel the energies of our most sacred divinities into the Soulflayer, who will soon have a strength beyond any being of Azeroth. He must be stopped!
Take this sacred cord, and string through it the heads of the high priests responsible for channeling our gods' energy.
When you have done this, return to me.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
2 70
Do you have the collection of heads, <name>? We must stop Hakkar from gaining more power!
You gained the heads! You have halted the plundering of our gods' power, and weakened Hakkar!
Your actions are truly heroic, <name>. May the heads of these troll thralls plead to you for mercy long after their blood chills.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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