Bring 5 Lightning Glands, 1 Thunderhawk Saliva Gland and 1 Kodo Liver to Brewmaster Drohn in Ratchet.
The entirety of this quest happens in Durotar.
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Good stuff, that stormstout, huh?
I have another recipe that I learned from Chen. Would you be interested? It won't take long to make, and it might be useful if you plan on adventuring some more.
Bring me 5 lightning glands from any stormhide, 1 thunderhawk saliva gland from greater thunderhawks, and a kodo liver from any of the Barrens' kodos.
Like I said, this stuff has kick; it's the trogg ale that I mentioned to you before.
You will receive:
You working hard at finding those ingredients, <name>?
Haha! I knew you couldn't resist some of this brew. Come back again anytime you want some more, <name>. Just bring me more of the ingredients I had you collect.
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