Destroy Morphaz - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Destroy Morphaz


4.Destroy Morphaz
Retrieve the Arcane Shard from Morphaz and return to Archmage Xylem.
Arcane Shard


The entirety of this quest happens in Azshara.
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There is a green drake deep in the sunken temple of Atal'Hakkar by the name of Morphaz.

Years ago, he overwhelmed me in a bold ambush and consumed my apprentice whole. While the loss of an apprentice is not unknown to me, this particular one carried an arcane shard of unsurpassed size and quality.

You must gather powerful allies and delve into the temple. Destroy Morphaz and recover the arcane shard from his ageless stomach.


You can choose one of these awards:
Glacial Spike
Arcane Crystal Pendant
Fire Ruby
Also, you get: 1 55


Have you slain my old nemesis?


Incredible. The shard has grown as it absorbed the drake's energy over the long years.

There is no more I can ask of you now. My full ability to forge the arcane has returned with this shard. My first creation is yours, <name>, and you have but to choose...

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