Zalazane - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database


Defeat Zalazane.

Kill 8 Voodoo Trolls and 8 Hexed Trolls.

Bring Zalazane's Head to Gadrin.
Hexed Troll slain (8)
Voodoo Troll slain (8)
Zalazane's Head


The entirety of this quest happens in Durotar.
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The witchdoctor Zalazane dwells on the Echo Isles to the east. They are the isles we once called home.

From there he sends his trolls to the mainland, to hex our people and drag more of them under his sway.

He must be stopped.

Defeat Zalazane and his minions -- former Darkspear trolls, now lost to us. Bring me his head and I will know his reign of evil is over.


You can choose one of these awards:
Lightweight Boots
Veiled Grips


Is Zalazane defeated, <name>?


With Zalazane gone, our tribe can again sleep in peace.

Thank you, <name>. The Darkspear tribe owes you much. If you suffer from an ailment, visit my assistant Bom'bay, behind me. His voodoo is strong...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 850 experience (5 10 at max. level)

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