Securing the Lines - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Securing the Lines


  • Level: 11
  • Requires level: 7
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Rezlak
  • End: Rezlak
  • Sharable
2.Securing the Lines
Kill 12 Dustwind Savages and 8 Dustwind Storm Witches for Rezlak near Drygulch Ravine.
Dustwind Savage slain (12)
Dustwind Storm Witch slain (8)


The entirety of this quest happens in Durotar.
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Gazlowe told me once, "Rezlak. There's one thing you need to know in life, and that's if you want something done well, do it yourself."

I can't deal with losing all our caravans, so I'm just going to take matters into my own hands. Drygulch Ravine lies through the eastern part of Razorwind Canyon. If we kill all the harpies there, the routes will be safe.

Of course, there was one other thing that Gazlowe taught me, and that's "You can get anything done for a price." So, going to help me out, <name>?


You can choose one of these awards:
Harpy Wing Clipper
Hickory Shortbow
Blemished Wooden Staff


You wouldn't think it from a guy like my boss Gazlowe, but he always seemed to know the score. "Don't be afraid to take that big step," he said.

Harpies won't stop bothering us and the caravans won't stop being attacked unless we do something about it, eh?


I think I can breathe easy now, knowing that the harpies won't be bothering our supply caravans anymore. And not one moment too soon, either. I hear I'm being sent some fun little toys with the next shipment!

You're pretty good at what you do, <name>, you ought to track down my boss in Ratchet. I'll bet he could find some work for you.

Oh, and don't worry, I wouldn't forget to pay you for the service you provided me.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 450 experience (5 40 at max. level)

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