Do a flex emote at Innkeeper Gryshka, and in exchange you'll receive Orgrimmar Nougat!
The entirety of this quest happens in Orgrimmar.
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That's an... interesting costume you have on. Even though you're being nice and helping a sick child trick-or-treat this year, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you perform a trick for me!
Let's see... you look so strong and buff in that... costume... let's see you flex! Yes, go on now and flex for me, strong man !
When and only when you flex, I'll give you some tasty Orgrimmar Nougat. It's a great Hallow's End treat.
You will receive:
No candy until you flex for me, <name>...
You are truly mighty, haha! Well done, and thanks for being such a good sport. Here's your candy.
Happy Hallow's End, <name>!
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