Nafien would like you to kill 6 Deadwood Den Watchers, 6 Deadwood Avengers, and 6 Deadwood Shamans. Return to him in northern Felwood near the entrance to Timbermaw Hold.
The entirety of this quest happens in Felwood.
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There is a camp of Deadwood furbolgs directly to our southwest. Corruption permeates the camp, and I wish to put an end to it before they become a problem.
The Deadwood tribe is evil, but it is the effects of the fel that pollutes their minds. Their hostility is not truly an innate quality, yet they cannot be helped. It saddens me that we must fight our own brethren.
Please, <name> - I ask you to do what must be done. Simply spare me the details; such troublesome images upset me far too much.
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Once you gain the trust of the Timbermaw, I am confident there will be something we will be able to do for you. The Timbermaw do not forget their allies, especially in dark times such as these.
I sense that you have achieved victory. Victory... such a hollow word considering what had to be done. Regardless, you've proven yourself to be worthy of our trust.
It may take some time before the Timbermaw welcome you without hostility within the Hold. Still, your perseverance will erode any suspicion my brethren may have about you. So long as you never betray us and raise weapons against us, we will find common ground.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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