Bring 20 Copper Bars to Sergeant Stonebrow at the Military Ward in Ironforge.
The entirety of this quest happens in Ironforge.
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Hey there, <class>, you look fit enough to contribute to the war effort! We need all of the help that we can get here to put together the materiel needed for the Ahn'Qiraj War and it's your lucky day.
I'm collecting copper bars in stacks of twenty. It's for a worthy cause, what do you say? Do you think you could help out the Alliance?
You will receive:
Have you collected those twenty bars of copper yet, trooper?
You did it, lad! We'll get those copper bars onto the pile and put them to good use making the war materiel right away. It's the efforts of people like you that make me proud to serve the Alliance. Good work, soldier!
And if you should happen to come across more copper bars, make sure that they find their way to me.
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