Bring 20 Iron Bars to Corporal Carnes at the Military Ward in Ironforge.
The entirety of this quest happens in Ironforge.
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Well hello there, Mr. Fancypants, aren't you a sight for sore eyes. In case you hadn't heard while you were out there "adventuring", the Alliance has been gearing up for a war in Ahn'Qiraj and is in need of iron bars... a whole mess of 'em. Bring them to me in stacks of twenty. We can count on you, right, <class>?
You will receive:
If you have those twenty bars of iron, I don't want to know where you have them hidden!
Well, well, if it isn't <name>. And you pulled through. I guess now I'll have to keep my eye on you. It hurts me to say this, but thanks for your efforts. The Alliance won't forget, and neither will I. Now get out there and bust your hump on whatever else needs collecting.
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