Bring 20 Purple Lotus to Master Nightsong at the Military Ward in Ironforge.
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<class>, the purple lotus is a flower with a plentitude of uses. I am here at the request of the Alliance as an authority on those applications, to preserve the herbs collected and to ensure that their war effort acquires enough purple lotus to sustain whatever function they plan for it.
I would like for you to travel out into the world and return to me with some of these flowers. Is that something that you can do?
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Do you have the purple lotus herbs that I requested?
Your contribution is greatly appreciated, <class>. It is only through the combined efforts of all that we shall be able to repel the ruthless advance of the silithid and whatever force is driving them forth. Even the Horde is amassing their own collection of purple lotus. Should you come across more, please return to me here.
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