Bring 7 Cenarion Combat Badges, 4 Cenarion Logistics Badges and 4 Cenarion Tactical Badges to Vargus at Cenarion Hold in Silithus. You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to be able to complete this quest.
The entirety of this quest happens in Silithus.
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The badges you collect from performing combat, logistics and tactical assignments for Cenarion Hold are more than just for show, <name>.
You'd be wise to hold on to them. As you prove your loyalty to our organization I can offer you some of the gear we reserve for our closest allies in exchange for those badges.
You can choose one of these awards:
It's in our best interest to keep our most loyal allies well geared, <name>.
Great work, <name>. Please accept this on behalf of the Cenarion Circle. You've certainly earned it, friend!
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