Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
Narain Soothfancy wants you to find his ex-best friend forever (BFF), Stewvul, and take back the scrying goggles that Stewvul stole from him.
The entirety of this quest happens in Thousand Needles.
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If I am to translate anything, I will need my scrying goggles. Unfortunately, those were stolen quite some time ago by my ex-best friend forever, Stewvul. He broke my heart in five places and then left me here to rot.
With the help of my trusty crystal ball, I've isolated his whereabouts to either the Greymane Wall in Silverpine or what appears to be a portal world in the Outland that is currently being overrun by the Burning Legion. You're going to have to track him down and get my goggles back, <name>!
I can't believe he found me. I thought for sure that I'd lost him when I was in the Outland. I'm not going back there, <race>! No way, no how! I'm through being his part time best friend forever and full time slave.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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