Bring 10 Heavy Leather to Skinner Jamani at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.
Since we're preparing for war, it might be best if we get all of the goods we need first, don't you think, mon? One of the staples of the war materiel that we're producing is heavy leather. We'll use it for just about everything, from reinforcement to armor, and good old plain tarps too.
But first we need to get our hands on more of it. That's your job, <class>. Sharpen your knife and bring me back a bundle. Then we'll talk further.
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I've got no time for games if you're just here to jibber-jabber, <class>. There are too many stacks of heavy leather that need curing. Come back when you have at least ten for me.
Simply amazing... look at the purity of these samples. Hmm, I wonder what it could mean. They seem to be elemental in nature, but... something more. They remind me of... of the Old Gods. We've found traces of them throughout Azeroth, and now I wonder if these creatures aren't related to them somehow.
We shall have to test further.
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