Bring 10 Thick Leather to Sergeant Umala at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.
I'm glad that you decided to speak to me about this, <class>. It looks like the Horde's preparations for the upcoming Ahn'Qiraj War are in full swing. But you and I still need to do our part.
I've been asked to collect a great number of thick leather skins for use in all manner of war materiel, and I need you to help me by going out there and gathering them up. There's honor and the gratitude of the Horde in it for you should you decide to help. Will you?
You will receive:
<class>, have you returned so soon with the ten thick leather that we discussed?
Good work, <class>. I'm sure that these thick leather skins will be put to use reinforcing zeppelins and making all manner of armor and weaponry. You have my thanks, and that of the Horde. Come back again if you come across more thick leather in your travels, and luck be with you.
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