Bring 20 Mageweave Bandages to Lady Callow at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.
The entirety of this quest happens in Orgrimmar.
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I trust that you are speaking to me because you are going to help with the collection I have been entrusted to? Good! By whatever means, and I do mean whatever, I wish for you to gather up a good number of mageweave bandages. Fresh would be nice, but not absolutely necessary. Return them to me here, <class>, and I will personally see to it that you are properly rewarded.
You will receive:
Do not fail and make me look bad, <class>! Return here as quickly as possible with the mageweave bandages we discussed.
Surprising, yet acceptable. Perhaps I underestimated your 'abilities', <class>. Perhaps. You completed a very simple task, and for doing so you are to be rewarded out of proportion. But don't let it go to your head. If you really want to prove yourself you should get out there and bring me another bundle of mageweave bandages.
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