Bring the Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Kandrostrasz in Ahn'Qiraj. This quest also requires Neutral faction with the Brood of Nozdormu.
Qiraji magic is strong and ancient. The most powerful qiraji wield items of such might, they'd give pause even to a dragon.
Bring me the qiraji bindings of command and other minor components by and I'll create a set of powerful boots for you.
You will find them useful in the fight against the enemy.
You will receive:
You've acquired the items I requested, <name>?
You've done well, <name>. You've proven you're no ordinary mortal.
I give you these with the confidence they'll aid you in crushing the vile qiraji.
Additional Information