Serena Bloodfeather - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Serena Bloodfeather


3.Serena Bloodfeather
Slay Serena Bloodfeather and return her head to Darsok Swiftdagger at the Crossroads.
Serena's Head


The entirety of this quest happens in Mulgore.
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You did so well with the lieutenants and underlings that I'd like you to do one last thing for me.

Serena Bloodfeather is the sister of a harpy named Bloodfeather who was slain by Rexxar quite a while ago. Apparently, these attacks on the Horde caravans are revenge for her sister's death.

I need you to slit her throat and bring me back her head. I want to place it on the next caravan we send out... Give those harpies something to think about.


You can choose one of these awards:
Elegant Shortsword
Harpy Skinner
Zhovur Axe


You're not getting anything until I see Serena's head.


HA! Well done, <name>! Very well done... I wasn't sure you were up to the task, but you've proved yourself quite the cut-throat. Thank you again for helping us suppress the Harpy epidemic. Here is your reward, use it well.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 200 experience (12 at max. level)

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