Kill 6 Mana Serpents and 6 Ether Fiends and return to Groundskeeper Wyllithen at Duskwither Grounds in Eversong Woods.
The entirety of this quest happens in Eversong Woods.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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It's horrible, I tell you! Strange things happening in the spire, the magister and his apprentices run off, and then the next thing that you know, the whole grounds are overrun with these magical beasties! And who told Wyllithen? No one, that's who!
<class>, you've got to help me clear some of these things out... I cannot maintain the grounds while these 'anomalies' are running amok!
Also, you get:
3 50
Have you taken care of it then? Did you deal with a good number of those magical anomalies? What would I do if Magister Duskwither were to reappear with all of these things lurking about?
Well, I suppose that will have to do, now won't it? Thanks for the help, <class>. I can only hope to get this mess completely cleaned up before the Magister returns to Duskwither Spire.
Take this pocket change; it's not much but it's all that I have at the moment. Feel free to dispatch a few more of the beasties on your way out, if you'd be so kind.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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